Bamboo Bistro Restaurant

Consuming Nuts For A Better Health

Nuts are one of the most popular food among all of us. They are healthy as well and it is also full of fiber and protein. However these nuts provide a lot of health benefits to the human body as well. 

What are Nuts?

Nuts are basically a type of fruit. Different raw nut mix gives a different nutrition value to the body and it will give various kind of health benefits. However when it comes for losing weight, Nuts are one of the major things that you might need to consider adding to your food.

Almonds Cashew Walnuts Hazelnuts Pecans Great source of Many nutrients

Nuts are basically highly nutritious.Once ounce of nuts contains whole lots of nutrition. However some nuts have higher amounts of good nutritious than the other. For example, somenuts provides more than 100% nutrition’s a body should take. The carb contents for nuts are highly valuable. Hazelnuts and macadamia nuts are some of the popular nuts among a lot of people. With that being said, different types of nuts are usually and excellent source of nutrition to consume and as well as add to a diet plan as well. 

Nuts can help you lose weight.

Although these nuts are considered as high calorie food, most of the researchers suggest that these nuts may help losing weight. Even if you are someone in gluten free diet, certain nuts are not safe in the diet as well. More than sweets like awesome gluten free lollies and other healthier sweets, almonds have consistently been shown to promote weight loss rather the weight gain. Even consuming pistachios might help you in lose weight as well.One of the special thing is that even though the calorie count is high in these nuts, studies have shown that your body doesn’t absorb all of them. This is for the reason that a portion of fat remains trapped inside the nuts outer wall in the process of digestion.

It’s a healthy snack

When it comes for nuts, it is one of the healthies snacks that you can eat and even include in your daily meal. However most of the nuts does not come with any extra ingredients and it’s raw and pure so it gives a complete nutrition to the body. But unlike many other processed nut products, like peanut butter often contains high amount of salt and sugar which can be unhealthy. However its best that you don’t purchase any items that has extra unhealthy ingredients.