Bamboo Bistro Restaurant

Popular Types Of Sandwiches

When one thinks of sandwich catering in hawthorn, one may not have thought that there could be so many different versions of a sandwich. The main kinds of sandwich and where the sandwich catering in hawthorn experts prepare for you are Open faced, pin wheel, closed tea, ribbon, and mosaic/checkboard sandwich.

1) Plain Sandwich

 plain sandwich consists of two slices of bread which could be toasted or kept plain and in between a layer of jam or peanut butter or Nutella can be spread. Usually we see a cheese sandwich is also a common option for a plain sandwich. The spread not only adds flavor but also assures that the bread in the sandwich stay together.

2) Open-faced Sandwich

In an open-faced sandwich, one kind and slice of bread is used and the filling is added to the top. It can be topped with other things such as carrots or onions, etc. kind of like a pizza. Open sandwiches can be compared to canapés, which is a form of a French dish.

3) Pinwheel Sandwich

Pinwheel sandwiches are made from flatbreads or tortillas which is very thinly cut. The way these are prepared it by rolling them on and filling them with a smooth filling and you may add extra toppings on the edge if you like, then roll the bread up like a roll. Leave it in the fridge for it to cool and then take it out unwrap it and cut it into small pieces and serve in a platter. You may add a garnish to it if you like.

4) Closed Tea sandwiches

Closed Tea sandwiches can be made before hand and left to freeze to be eaten later. Remove the crust from the slices of bread and you may cut the bread in different shapes. Save the removed crusts for crumbs later. Spread butter on one piece of bread and filling on another top fill the buttered side of the sandwich and then freeze for later.

5) A ribbon sandwich

A ribbon sandwich has many layers, kind of like a multi-tiered cake. Usually for such sandwiches, colored bread adds aesthetic. We can imagine a layer of bread then some sort of spread then meat and then bread again.

A ribbon sandwich is basically a multi-tiered sandwich. Think something along the lines of bread, spread, meat, cheese, another layer of bread, meat cheese, third piece of bread. The image directly above is a great example of a layered sandwich. A ribbon one goes a step further by removing the crust and cutting the layered sandwich into 1inx1in square sections. Once done, chill I for a couple/several hours and cut into ½ in sliced to serve.

6) A mosaic sandwich starts off with the cutting of the bread just like the ribbon sandwich. Place the different colored breads over another and then chill for a couple hours. Remove from fridge and slice before serving to give it that checker board look.

 This list of sandwiches is an extensive one but shows us the many ways a sandwich can be made and served. Check out here